The official website for the Monroe Bible Quiz Team from Beacon Hill Evangelical Free Church.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

THIS WEEK: Study Acts, Chapter 18

This week (January 13 thru January 19), please study Acts, Chapter 18.

If you want to read the chapter online, click here. (Free website Biblegateway.Com)

Listen to the chapter.  (MP3s will come later when delivered)

If you'd like to read a commentary on the chapter, click here. (Free website, StudyLight.Org)

If you want to download the puzzle for this week, click here.

Study Tip: Do you learn the chapter well, but have a hard time placing questions in a real quiz where it is across multiple chapters? Creating and studying an outline of a book or chapters can be very helpful in putting it all in order in your mind. If you need an example of a good outline, this link may be helpful.

Upcoming Events:
- January 17 - Midwinter Quiz Meet in Monroe, CT