How does a Quiz Work?
The Basics
A Bible Quiz always works the same way:
- There are 20 questions in a quiz
- Quizzers "jump" to answer a question
- You have 30 seconds to answer a question (with certain exceptions)
- A correct answer is worth 20 points
- A wrong answer is deducts 10 points, plus the other team gets a bonus question to answer worth 10 points
- There are ways to earn extra points by
- Getting 5 questions right and none wrong (+10)
- Having 4 quizzers on your team get at least one question right (+10)
- Having 5 quizzers on your team get at least one question right (+10)
- At the end, the team with the higher score wins. (If there is a tie, we go into a 5 question overtime session.)
Every quizzer sits on a chair during the quiz with a pad on the seat. The pad contains two switches which are depressed when the quizzer puts pressure on it. When a quizzer relieves the pressure - by standing up, moving their leg, etc. - they have "jumped" and an electrical current goes thru the pad to a box seen by the quizmaster. The first quizzer to jump - and only the first - shows up as a light on the quizmaster's board. Once that light is seen, the quizmaster will call on the appropriate quizzer

Kinds of Questions
- Regular Question:
Q: In my first book, WHO?
A: O Theophilus [Acts 1:1]
- Multi-Part Question:
Q: 2 Part: I dealt with all that Jesus WHAT?
A: Began to do and teach [Acts 1:1]
- Reference Question:
Q: According to Acts 1:20, For it is written, WHAT?
A: in the Book of Psalms, “‘May his camp become desolate, and let there be no one to dwell in it’; and “‘Let another take his office.’
- Situation Question:
Q: WHO SAID IT? "Look at us,"
A: Peter directed his gaze at him, as did John [Acts 3:4]
- Finish-the-Verse Question:
Q: He said to them…
A: … “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority.. [Acts 1:7]